Working Lands of the Columbia Plateau

Protecting and restoring Washington's shrub-steppe ecosystem

Photo: Dave Showalter

Sagebrush birds tell us it’s time to act.

The shrub-steppe is an iconic arid land ecosystem of shrubs, grasses, and wildflowers native to the western United States. This unique landscape, sometimes called the “sagebrush sea,” covers millions of acres of Eastern Washington’s Columbia Plateau, sustaining a rich diversity of plants, birds, and other wildlife. Unfortunately, threats to this ecosystem are putting bird species and the communities that rely upon it at risk. Without immediate and aggressive action to rehabilitate these areas and improve ecosystem resilience, species like the state-endangered Greater Sage-grouse are unlikely to persist in Washington. 

Audubon Washington’s shrub-steppe conservation program leverages the power of birds—along with Audubon’s unique organizational structure—to pursue actions at the local, state, and federal level that benefit ecosystem health. We do this by bringing together the grassroots advocacy strength of our eight Eastern Washington chapters with the policy, science, and conservation expertise of our state and national offices towards shared goals for shrub-steppe conservation. Audubon’s shrub-steppe program addresses urgent landscape-level conservation needs that will have a lasting impact on the well-being of wildlife, people, and the ecological health of the region.  

Priority Bird Species
Working Lands

Priority Bird Species

Protecting the birds of the sagebrush sea

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Long-term Strategy for Shrub-steppe Landscape Restoration and Resilience
Working Lands

Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative

Habitat protection and restoration while supporting working lands and communities in the face of wildland fire

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Conservation Ranching in the Columbia Plateau
Working Lands

Conservation Ranching in the Columbia Plateau

Partnering with experts and land managers to design and implement regenerative grazing practices

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Renewable Energy: Siting it Right in the Columbia Plateau and Beyond
Working Lands

Renewable Energy: Siting it Right in the Columbia Basin

Responsibly sited and operated clean energy will help protect birds from climate change

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Fire in the Shrub-steppe
Working Lands

Fire in the Shrub-steppe

Towards fire resilience and landscape rehabilitation in Washington’s shrub-steppe

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Priority Birds of Eastern Washington

Sagebrush Steppe News Feed

Finding Balance in a Changing Climate

Finding Balance in a Changing Climate

Audubon Washington and eleven chapter affiliates advocate for protecting birds as Washington state seeks to better understand the environmental impacts of a 100% clean energy transition.

Chapter Spotlight: North Central Audubon Society Works to Maximize Bird Habitat Potential at Rock Island Ponds

Chapter Spotlight: North Central Audubon Society Works to Maximize Bird Habitat Potential at Rock Island Ponds

Audubon-affiliated chapters don't shy away from conservation projects that take years or decades. North Central Washington Audubon's latest conservation goal is to see areas at Rock Island Ponds enhanced over the next decade or so to maximize their potential as nature reserves

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By the Numbers: 2023 Legislative Session

Here's what it took to pass bills for birds this year.

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2023 Legislative Session Ends with a Hat Trick!

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Audubon Washington’s Bird Budget

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A Pivotal Year for Washington’s Sagelands

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Speak Up for the Birds this Legislative Session
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Speak Up for the Birds this Legislative Session

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A Win for the Audubon Network: The Landmark Sagebrush Songbird Survey
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A Win for the Audubon Network: The Landmark Sagebrush Songbird Survey

The final report was just released for the Sagebrush Songbird Survey, an unprecedented community science partnership to create sagebrush songbird distribution models in Washington's imperiled shrub steppe ecosystem

2022 Legislative Session Recap for Climate, Puget Sound, Sagelands, and Bird-friendly Communities
Press Center

2022 Legislative Session Recap for Climate, Puget Sound, Sagelands, and Bird-friendly Communities

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