
How we fight for birds

Photo: Luke Franke

Audubon is a respected and influential voice on public policy issues, from town halls to the U.S. Capitol. Audubon Washington believes in balance and responsibility, finding common ground, and involving all citizens in protecting the natural world and our quality of life.

Help Us Make a Difference for Birds

Defend our Future: Don't Dismantle the Climate Commitment Act

Defend our Future: Don't Dismantle the Climate Commitment Act

Washington state's foundational climate law provides billions of dollars in resources for conservation and is under threat

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No on I-2117
Get Involved

No on I-2117

Protect the Climate Commitment Act

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Take Action and Advocate Effectively

Take Action and Advocate Effectively

Simple directions to help launch you as an advocate.

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Advocacy News Feed

Taking Action Against Sea Level Rise

Taking Action Against Sea Level Rise

Sea level rise in Puget Sound threatens coastal bird species

Fostering Healthy Shorelines 

Fostering Healthy Shorelines

Restoration of shoreline habitats is a win-win for birds and coastal communities  

No on I-2117
Get Involved

No on I-2117

Protect the Climate Commitment Act

Audubon Around the Sound
Press Center

Audubon Around the Sound

Bringing conservationists together to protect Puget Sound’s coastal habitats in a changing climate

Defend our Future: Don't Dismantle the Climate Commitment Act

Defend our Future: Don't Dismantle the Climate Commitment Act

Washington state's foundational climate law provides billions of dollars in resources for conservation and is under threat

Progress for Birds and Clean Energy
Press Center

Progress for Birds and Clean Energy

Audubon Washington Applauds Efforts to Safeguard Birds and Habitat as Part of Clean Energy Siting Decisions

Championing Biodiversity

Championing Biodiversity

Audubon Washington Helps Secure $23 Million for Conservation

Reflecting on Audubon Washington's 2024 Legislative Efforts

Reflecting on Audubon Washington's 2024 Legislative Efforts

Navigating Challenges and Looking Ahead

You Can Still Root for This Seahawk
Press Center

You Can Still Root for This Seahawk

New federal legislation — the Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act — would help fight migratory birds' decline

Audubon Washington's Policy Priorities in 2024: Partnering for Protection
Press Center

2024 Legislative Priorities

Audubon is working with our partners to protect key climate policies, reduce pollution, and make important investments in conservation and clean energy.

How you can help, right now