Increasing temperatures and changes in weather patterns are only one part of the climate change story. Higher global temperatures are triggering large scale impacts that will increase over time like sea level rise, which we are already experiencing in the Puget Sound region. Without our help, coastal bird species will experience catastrophic habitat loss as feeding and roosting sites become inundated with water, and conditions at Arctic breeding grounds change due to climate change.
We are already seeing global declines in shorebirds, seabirds, and other marine species, and many birds that overwinter or migrate through Puget Sound are experiencing climate-related challenges across their annual migratory cycle.
We will continue our advocacy efforts by engaging local communities and partners in community conversations and civic engagement on better planning for sea level rise and climate change under Growth Management and Shoreline Management Plans. After an initial focus in Skagit County, we have expanded our engagement efforts to Whatcom, Snohomish and Thurston Counties. Check out our program Audubon Around the Sound to participate in public programs and community events and learn how to be a champion for coastal birds.