Climate Action

Birds tell us to act on climate

Sharp-tailed Grouse. Photo: Marti Phillips

Birds are telling us to act on climate. 

There is no path to stabilizing the climate without addressing biodiversity loss and dramatically changing how we produce electricity. Audubon believes that renewable energy and natural climate solutions have important roles to play in mitigating the impact of climate change—the single greatest threat to birds and other species.  

That's why Audubon Washington is focused on: 

  • Advocating for policies and programs that support the responsible buildout of the clean energy needed to power our economy, without sacrificing important natural and cultural resources. 
  • Working with our chapter network to use the best available science to provide input on clean energy project proposals so that impacts to birds and habitat are avoided, minimized, and mitigated.  
  • Ensuring resilient Puget Sound shorelines and estuaries that support marine and shorebird populations along Pacific Flyway migration routes. 
  • Increasing habitat protection and restoration in Washington’s shrub-steppe habitat which is especially vulnerable to a number of climate-risks, including fire. 
  • Building a stronger, more diverse force for advocacy on climate change, to advance solutions that address this growing threat.   


How we fight for birds.

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Natural Climate Solutions

Natural Climate Solutions

Natural climate solutions as a win-win for birds and climate

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Renewable Energy: Siting it Right in the Columbia Basin

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Climate Action News Feed

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By the Numbers: 2023 Legislative Session

Here's what it took to pass bills for birds this year.

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2023 Legislative Session Ends with a Hat Trick!

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Puget Sound Series: A Winning Formula for Coastal Resilience

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2023 Legislative Priorities

Bird conservation in a changing climate requires bold investments in the health of our land and waters and smart planning for climate change.

Speak Up for the Birds this Legislative Session
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Speak Up for the Birds this Legislative Session

The 2023 legislative session is underway. We have numerous opportunities to protect birds through policy change and funding in the state budget.

A Win for the Audubon Network: The Landmark Sagebrush Songbird Survey
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A Win for the Audubon Network: The Landmark Sagebrush Songbird Survey

The final report was just released for the Sagebrush Songbird Survey, an unprecedented community science partnership to create sagebrush songbird distribution models in Washington's imperiled shrub steppe ecosystem

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Puget Sound Series: Sea-level Rise in Skagit County

We successfully advocated for the addition of provisions to consider sea level rise in the latest draft of the Skagit County Shoreline Master Plan!

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Coastal Estuaries

Puget Sound Series: Sea Level Rise

Sea level rise in Puget Sound threatens homes, infrastructure, and natural shoreline habitats.

Climate Sensitive Birds in Washington

How you can help, right now