
How we fight for birds

Photo: Luke Franke

Audubon is a respected and influential voice on public policy issues, from town halls to the U.S. Capitol. Audubon Washington believes in balance and responsibility, finding common ground, and involving all citizens in protecting the natural world and our quality of life.

Help Us Make a Difference for Birds

Defend our Future: Don't Dismantle the Climate Commitment Act

Defend our Future: Don't Dismantle the Climate Commitment Act

Washington state's foundational climate law provides billions of dollars in resources for conservation and is under threat

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No on I-2117
Get Involved

No on I-2117

Protect the Climate Commitment Act

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Take Action and Advocate Effectively

Take Action and Advocate Effectively

Simple directions to help launch you as an advocate.

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Advocacy News Feed

House Committee and Regional Agency Take Action on Clean Fuels

House Committee and Regional Agency Take Action on Clean Fuels

These developments indicate a Clean Fuel Standard will happen in Washington State.

Diverse Demand for 100 Percent Clean Electricity for Washington

Diverse Demand for 100 Percent Clean Electricity for Washington

Senate Committee Chair Sen. Carlyle Indicates Intention for Swift Committee Action

Audubon Washington Leads Advocacy for Climate Action in 2019 State Legislature
Press Center

Audubon Washington Leads Advocacy for Climate Action in 2019 State Legislature

— Supports 100 percent clean energy by mid-century through a 100% Clean Electricity Standard, a Clean Fuel Standard, and Enhanced Building Efficiency Standards.
Hanford Reach National Monument

Hanford Reach National Monument

Advocating for additional lands to support sagebrush birds and other wildlife.

Hanford Reach National Monument

Hanford Reach National Monument

Audubon Chicago Region is sparking conversations about birds and climate change in the heart of the Windy City.

Coastal Policy

Puget Sound Policy

Advancing policies that promote a healthy and resilient Puget Sound for birds and people

Short Session, Big Stakes

Top Policy Priorities in 2022

2022 is a short "supplemental" session, but there's so much at stake for Washington State's birds and people

Take Action and Advocate Effectively

Take Action and Advocate Effectively

Simple directions to help launch you as an advocate.

Issues & Action

Issues & Action

Issues of interest and ways to take action - add your voice to Audubon's advocacy.


How you can help, right now