Grants and Fundraising

Grant Opportunities
Chapter Collaborative Grants
Collaborative funds are monies for conservation projects that are allocated to each state annually (in the fall) based on a percentage of the total baseline funds received by the Chapter in that state.
Fund for Wild Nature
Are you a small, grassroots environmental organization in need of funding? The Fund for Wild Nature (FUND) provides small grants for organization campaigns to save native species and wild ecosystems, with particular emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity. FUND provides grants for advocacy, litigation, public policy work, development of citizen science, and similar endeavors.
Deadline: Ongoing (twice/year).
More info: Available here.
Norcross Foundation
The Norcross Foundation focuses entirely on providing small grants to local nonprofit organizations for equipment. They have a simple application process available at and fund many grants each year. We strongly recommend that Chapters with equipment needs try this foundation first before applying for collaborative funding.
Deadline: Ongoing (quarterly).
More info: Available here.
McEachern Charitable Trust
The D.V. and Ida J. McEachern Charitable Trust was established in 1969 to help give a better start in life to all children, both educationally and physically. The Trust will consider requests for supplies and equipment which will be used by children (binoculars, field guides, etc.).
Deadline: Ongoing (three times/year).
More info: Available here.
Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists
Those working with youth to do environmental citizen science or student research projects are invited to submit proposals for funding and/or equipment/materials to help their efforts.
Deadline: Ongoing.
More info: Available here.
Celebrate Urban Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Organizations, educators, and youth are encouraged to apply for mini-grants to help fund creative neighborhood events. Proposals should integrate the arts, greening, birds and community involvement. All mini-grant applicants are offered training to support their events (even if their proposals are not funded). Organizations working with underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply. No experience with birding needed. Mini-grants average $100 to $750.
Deadline: Fall
More info: Available here.
K-12 BirdSleuth Habitat Hero Grants
Partner with your local schools on this one! We want your help in improving schoolyard habitats for birds with Habitat Hero Grants. We're excited to announce that we're offering mini-grants to support teachers in their efforts to enhance bird habitat. Thanks to our sponsors at Pennington® Wild Bird Food, you can win funds and resources to support habitat improvements and citizen science monitoring at your school!
Every Day Capacity Building Grants - National Environmental Education Foundation
Every Day Capacity Building Grants provide Friends Groups with grant funds of up to $5,000 to help build their capacity to serve public lands. NEEF's Every Day Grants will strengthen the stewardship of public lands by strengthening local organizations through funding for organizational capacity building.
Deadline: Ongoing (twice/year).
More info: Available here.
Community Strategies Grant Program - Innovia Foundation
The Community Strategies Grant Program supports programs related to community/economic development, human services, education, arts and culture, and environmental preservation. Example: Increasing Stewardship of Natural and Cultural Resources. Successful programs in this category might address one or more of the following: encourage informed citizen participation in environmental stewardshipwork toward sustainable environmental practices; promote comprehensive and collaborative approaches to environmental issues; preserve and maintain artifacts, sites or structures of historical significance; preserve and respect native cultures in the region.
Deadline: Ongoing (twice/year, mid-January and mid-August).
More info: Available here.
Rose Foundation Environmental Grants
The Rose Foundation administers numerous environmental grant funds, including watershed-oriented funds in California, Washington and Oregon; and placed-based funds which generally operate on a county-specific level, as well as other specialized funds. Check out specifically:
- Pacific Northwest: Puget Sound Stewardship & Mitigation Fund
- Grays Harbor/Chehalis River Watershed Fund
- Columbia River Fund
Deadline: Ongoing (twice/year, Spring and Fall).

Fundraising Ideas
IRA Charitable Rollover
Click here for a sample article that you can use to promote year-end giving via IRA Charitable Rollover. This is a way for donors to take advantage of the IRA Charitable Rollover to make an extra tax-free gift to your chapter. Click here for an information sheet on this gift option from National Audubon that you can use as a quick-reference for yourself when speaking with donors which also has contacts at National Audubon who can answer any questions you may have about this.
NonProfit Revenue Streams
- Amazon Wish Lists can expand a nonprofit's potential donor pool to Amazon’s millions of customers and offer a great way to ensure that they receive the right number of the exact items needed. Customers use the lists to find out what organizations truly need, and buying and shipping the items is fast and easy.
- AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers.
- Register your chapter with Goodsearch, and everytime someone searches the web using Goodsearch, shops online (at the 2,800+ stores on Goodshop) or dines out (at 10,000 Gooddining restaurants), Goodsearch will make a donation to your chapter.
Planned Giving
Is your chapter ready to receive a large bequest? You never know when it could happen, so be prepared. If you only do one thing, provide sample bequest language on your web site or have it ready to provide to anyone who asks. Then you can add an article on planned giving to your newsletter, include it in an appeal letter, or even send out a gift planning letter as part of a campaign. The good news is that Audubon has lots of resources for you, from sample bequest language to providing gift annuity administration.

Grant and Corporate Fund Resources
Building a Better Budget for Grants
Essential Components of a Grant Proposal
How to Get Grants and Corporate Funds
Mail Appeal Resources
Effective Mail Appeals
Seattle Audubon Murrelet Appeal, Example
Seward Center Appeal, Example
Welcome Letter for New Members, Example
Planned Giving Resources
Naming Audubon in Your Will, Example
NAS Planned Gift Guidance, Simple Example
NAS Planned Gift Guidance, Advanced Example
Planning for Planned Gifts, Example
How you can help, right now
Be the Voice for Birds
Decision makers need to hear from you. Sign up for Audubon Washington's Action Alerts and you will have an opportunity to weigh in on proposals that impact birds.
Get Involved
Birds need YOU! Get involved in helping to preserve our birds and their habitats today. There is something for everyone!
Take Action on Climate Change
Does your decision maker know that climate change is number one threat to birds? Ask for their help to protect the birds, the places, and the planet we love.