Climate Change

The number one threat to birds

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Climate change has become our greatest conservation challenge. The National Audubon Society’s Survival by Degrees report found that two-thirds of North American birds are at risk of extinction if we don't take action. The good news is that by taking action to quickly move to net-zero carbon emissions we can protect up to 76% of these species.

Now, more than ever, we have a responsibility to be the voice of the birds and aggressively combat this urgent threat head on by rapidly reducing climate polluting emissions. That's why Audubon Washington remains focused on:

  • Advocating for 100% clean energy in the state of Washington, including a broad suite of policies - from energy standards to pricing mechanisms - that will reduce emissions fairly and equitably.
  • Ensuring resilient coastal estuaries will continue to support marine and shorebird populations along Pacific Flyway migration routes.
  • Increasing habitat protection in focused areas of Eastern Washington that are expected to provide essential habitat for birds under a future warmer climate.
  • Building a stronger, more diverse force for advocacy on climate change, to monitor birds and advance solutions that are commensurate with this threat.  


How we fight for birds.

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Natural Solutions to Climate Change

Natural Solutions to Climate Change

Our campaign to fight climate change the natural way

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Climate Action News Feed

Diverse Demand for 100 Percent Clean Electricity for Washington

Diverse Demand for 100 Percent Clean Electricity for Washington

Senate Committee Chair Sen. Carlyle Indicates Intention for Swift Committee Action

November election did not temper voters' taste for climate action

November election did not temper voters' taste for climate action

On the same day that Governor Inslee announced his bold climate priorities agenda for the 2019 legislative session, newly published exit polling from this November’s election shows that a large majority of Washington voters want climate action.

Audubon Washington Leads Advocacy for Climate Action in 2019 State Legislature
Press Center

Audubon Washington Leads Advocacy for Climate Action in 2019 State Legislature

— Supports 100 percent clean energy by mid-century through a 100% Clean Electricity Standard, a Clean Fuel Standard, and Enhanced Building Efficiency Standards.
Audubon Doubles Down on Support for Initiative 1631

Audubon Doubles Down on Support for Initiative 1631

The voters of Washington State are poised to make history by embracing one of the strongest climate policies in the nation.

Audubon Washington Supports Initiative 1631
Press Center

Audubon Washington Supports Initiative 1631

— Organization stands firm in its resolve to support swift and effective climate action.
Audubon Joins Roundtable Discussion with Top Climate Leaders

Audubon Joins Roundtable Discussion with Top Climate Leaders

This month, Audubon Washington was invited to participate in a private roundtable discussion with the region’s top climate leaders to discuss how action we take in the Pacific Northwest can have a national impact.

Coal Export

Coal Export

Help us move beyond coal and toward a green energy future.

Oil Transport

Oil Transport

An increasing threat through our communities and along our waterways.

Birds and Climate Change

Birds and Climate Change

Audubon science tells us a warming planet is the number one threat to birds.


Climate Sensitive Birds in Washington

How you can help, right now