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Record-breaking Raptors

Mother-daughter team counts a record number of Red-tailed Hawks, revealing important trends

 For the past five years, Kittitas Audubon board member Gloria Baldi and her daughter Gia have dedicated their winter months to an important mission: surveying raptors across a designated 52.3-mile route in Ellensburg, Washington. On January 2nd of this year, the pair set out at the first light of the day. Driving slowly for nearly six hours on country roads in the southeast quarter of Kittitas County, they made frequent stops to observe and identify birds, sometimes lingering to verify their sightings. This consistency is key. By surveying the same route under various winter conditions each year, they can gather reliable data on bird populations, noting changes and trends over time. 

Their effort is part of a broader initiative, the Winter Raptor Survey project, launched more than 20 years ago by Jeff Fleischer of the East Cascades Bird Alliance. Originally comprised of 79 routes in Oregon, the project has grown to include nearly 600 active routes across Washington, Oregon, Idaho, the northern tier of California and Utah, and western Montana. These routes span over 34,000 miles of transects surveyed by over 460 primary project volunteers. The purpose of the project is to understand how the various raptor species wintering in the Northwest are doing each winter and over time, with the survey data submitted to The Peregrine Fund to include in their worldwide raptor database. 

Red-tailed Hawk. Photo: David Ramirez

A Record-Breaking January 

This year, Gloria’s and Gia’s survey revealed an astonishing number of raptors. They recorded 205 Red-tailed Hawks – nearly 100 more than in previous high counts for January. American Kestrels and Northern Harriers were also spotted in significant numbers, setting high counts for the state on that day. 

Why did they see so many birds? Gloria speculates that the increase could be due to nesting behaviors, with raptors returning to familiar breeding grounds. Weather patterns also play a role, possibly pushing birds to relocate in search of food. However, pinpointing a single cause is challenging, as bird populations fluctuate for many reasons. 


Image by Sabrina Heath


The Importance of Bird Counts 

Bird counts serve a crucial role in conservation efforts. Raptors are indicators of ecosystem health, and tracking their numbers helps researchers detect potential environmental changes. Declining counts may signal habitat loss or food shortages, while stable or increasing populations suggest favorable conditions. 

“The kestrels have had problems for a number of years,” Gloria notes. “That’s why we were excited to see higher numbers this year. It could be a hopeful sign, but we need to keep watching.” 

A Lifetime Love of Birds 

Gloria’s passion for birds extends far beyond the Winter Raptor Survey. A lifelong bird enthusiast, she has been a member of Audubon since the 1970s and has served in various leadership roles within her local chapter. Her love for birding deepened after a trip to Costa Rica in the 1990s, which inspired her to seek out bird species more intentionally. 

Reflecting on changes over the years, she notes a decline in certain species, likely due to habitat loss. “We used to have burrowing owls in the sagebrush around this area,” she recalls. “But as development has expanded, their habitats have disappeared.” 

Despite these challenges, Gloria remains committed to observing, recording, and protecting the birds she loves. Through dedicated efforts like hers, bird conservationists can continue to monitor changes and advocate for the protection of vital habitats. 

How to Get Involved 

For those inspired by Gloria’s story, there’s no better time to get involved in bird conservation. Local Audubon chapters can help beginners and experienced birders learn about opportunities to participate in this and other surveys, such as the Christmas Bird Count and the Great Backyard Bird Count. Whether through organized surveys or simply keeping an eye on the birds in your own backyard, every observation helps in understanding and preserving the avian world. 


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