At Audubon Washington, we know that a healthy planet for birds means a healthy future for all of us. Guided by the principles of the National Audubon Society’s “Healthy Birds Healthy Planet” agenda (HBHP), our 2025 legislative priorities are designed to address the intertwined crises of climate change and habitat loss while fostering partnerships that uplift communities and protect biodiversity.
This year, we are advancing bold, strategic policies rooted in our commitment to safeguarding habitats, strengthening resilience, and creating a sustainable future where birds and people thrive together.
Advancing Renewable Energy for Birds and People
As part of our Climate strategy, Audubon Washington is supporting HB1328, which will accelerate the development of clean energy and transmission. Audubon Washington champions the Build Ready Clean Energy Program (BRCEP), a transformative approach to clean energy development. In alignment with the HBHP’s call for well-sited renewable energy, BRCEP will identify low-conflict sites that balance clean energy goals with habitat protection. By fostering collaboration with Tribal Nations, local communities, and state government, BRCEP prioritizes equity, tribal sovereignty, and biodiversity while creating pathways to meet Washington’s ambitious climate goals. Together, we can ensure that clean energy deployment supports a livable planet for birds and people alike.

Protecting Shrub-Steppe Ecosystems: Wings Over Working Lands
Our Working Lands initiative reflects HBHP’s vision of creating resilient landscapes by focusing on the protection of Washington’s unique shrub-steppe ecosystem. We are leading a proposal for a Shrubsteppe Conservation Grant Program that will channel resources into protecting critical habitats, connecting landscapes, and restoring biodiversity. This type of program has been identified as a priority of the Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resilience Initiative and will help ensure that working lands continue to support both wildlife and livelihoods. This legislative session, we are also supporting SB 5203, which will help ensure connectivity for Washington wildlife through safe habitat passages.
Building Resilient Coasts and Communities
Our Coasts strategy seeks to enhance coastal resilience through support for habitat restoration and nature-based solutions, echoing HBHP’s emphasis on protecting vulnerable shorelines from climate change. In 2025, we’ll work to improve permitting transparency and contractor accountability to reduce harmful shoreline armoring, paving the way for healthier ecosystems and improved community resilience to sea level rise. We’ll also support the Puget Sound Partnership’s efforts to streamline permitting for habitat restoration projects (HB 1208) and the Seattle Aquarium and coalition partners’ efforts to designate bull kelp forests as the official marine forest of Washington (SB 1631.)
These legislative priorities underscore our commitment to advancing policies that protect birds, strengthen natural systems, and build a better future for all. To succeed, we’ll need bird- and nature-lovers across the state to join us in advocating for these bold, forward-thinking solutions that protect our landscapes, wildlife, and communities for generations to come. Join our Action Network today.