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No on I-2117

Resources to protect the Climate Commitment Act

Weather conditions caused by climate change disrupt bird migration patterns, threaten nesting and wintering grounds, and push species toward extinction. Audubon’s research has demonstrated the climate threats to Washington’s iconic birds from the Common Goldeneye along our coasts to the Mountain Bluebird of Eastern Washington. Their future is directly linked to a stable climate. The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) offers a chance to do our part to reverse this trend and bend the bird curve towards survival and resilience.  

The CCA is a foundational climate law that provides billions of dollars in resources for conservation and climate action. In short, it caps and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from Washington’s largest emitting sources and industries, allowing businesses to find the most efficient path to lower carbon emissions. This powerful program works alongside other critical climate policies to help Washington achieve its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050. 

The CCA also centers environmental justice and equity, and supports new investments in climate-resiliency programs, clean transportation, and addressing health disparities across the state. 

This November, I-2117 will be on the ballot to repeal the CCA. We need bird and nature lovers from across the state engaged in the campaign to defeat this ill-conceived ballot measure and vote No on I-2117. 

What’s at stake:

  • One of the strongest emissions reduction programs in the US
  • $2 billion (and growing) in funding for clean energy, natural climate solutions, and environmental justice

What you can do:​


How you can help, right now