
Thank You for Signing Up!

Don't forget to vote "YES" on I-732 by Nov. 8.

Thank you for signing up to learn more from Audubon. Washington state begins mailing ballots to voters on Oct. 21. Please check your mailbox, mark "yes" on I-732, and make sure to return your ballot by Nov. 8 to help secure a brighter future for people and birds in Washington.

Please remind your neighbors and friends to vote "yes," and call your legislators to share your support! We can take the first steps toward reducing carbon pollution in our state by voting yes on I-732.

This is our opportunity to tell the world that Washington is serious about taking action on climate change now, for the benefit of birds and people.

Calliope Hummingbird
The Calliope Hummingbird and many other Washington birds are at risk from climate change. Photo: Annie Katz/Audubon Photography Awards

Paid for by Audubon Washington. Top 5 Contributors: John & Laura Arnold, David & Patricia Giuliani, Keshet Investments LP, Menno Van Wyk, Michael Massa

How you can help, right now