
On-the-Ground Conservation

We work with our chapters and partners in habitat-scale conservation

Puget Sound Conservation Blueprint


The Puget Sound Conservation Blueprint is a first of its kind conservation decision-support tool for bird conservation in Puget Sound. We combined spatial information on priority bird and habitat occurrence, with regional information such as nearshore habitat condition and coastal resilience, as well as ecosystem values like forage fish spawning areas. Recognizing that improvements in environmental quality benefit human health, we also included information about socially vulnerable populations. We are using the Blueprint to identify priority areas for conservation so that we can take action for birds and people.


Pilot Projects

In 2021 Audubon is developing and supporting projects that deliver multi-benefit conservation outcomes for birds and other species. We are working with local Audubon chapters, partners and Tribes in the Stillaguamish River Estuary and Eld/Totten Inlets to enhance and accelerate habitat conservation projects on the ground.


Volunteer Network at Work


Important Bird Areas

Audubon chapters, volunteers and community groups around the nation channel their passion for birds and nature into protecting and restoring the most important, vibrant, and vulnerable coastal habitats for birds. They also collect data on birds through local community science efforts, helping contribute valuable information to coastal bird conservation and management.


How you can help, right now